Saturday 18 August 2012

Phishing/spoofing are two terms that are slightly similar to one another, where the former means – a technique of trying to seize information, such as passwords/usernames, personal account information, credit card details, and so on. Raj B Lonsane states that the people/person behind it can actually pose as a legitimate website, thus bringing in the public that has no clue of this scamming feature. The latter term spoofing means pretty much the same but on a more program based concept. It also means masking one’s false identity while posing as a trusted interface amongst the public online.

According to Raj b Lonsane, phishing and spoofing are two extremely dangerous and damaging attacks that professionals online enact in order to get personal information or cause harm to the organization that runs the original interface. If one were to truly understand how this feature works, they would probably never log on to the Internet, but there are ways now of stopping them once the real company is aware of such a practice. There have been many cases where phishing has been a cause of concern with major organizations like AOL, RapidShare, and MySpace. The scary truth is that sometimes these acts aren’t even traceable and can go unnoticed if the team isn’t twice as smart as the perpetrator says Raj B Lonsane.

Raj B Lonsane adds that email spoofing is a common act done, where most of these filtered into what they called as either ‘junk mail’, or ‘spam’. You’ll notice how these emails look and sound fishy. They can be claims of winning the lottery which hundreds of people fall for, donating to a sick/injured individual, charity funds, misleading friend requests, and so on. The shocking part is that the people/person behind it, uses a known organization’s name to back their claim claims Raj B Lonsane. A lot of lottery emails come from companies Mircrosoft and Cola, where people are naturally misled into believing that the actual people have gotten in touch. One needs to understand how these random emails have no access to their information to even know who they are, to even put them up for a lottery worth millions.

Types of Phishing

There are different kinds of phishing techniques that online attackers have tried out over the past couple of decades; these are.

·          Clone Phishing: This is where the attacker uses a legit and previously sent email that has a link/attachment that contains content of the recipient’s address/es, and made into a cloned/similar email. It is then replaced with a duplicate version, so as to mask itself as the original sender when in fact, it is not. You’ll find this in the case of emails sent from someone you know, who has no clue about what you’re asking him/her as they deny the action. This is a common case of duplicating an original email by attackers online.

·          Electronic Phishing: This is where the attacker uses a deceitful way of grasping information linked to one’s personal details like passwords, credit card details, bank account information and so on. The attacker can then use this information by posing as either the original person to seize funds, or to manipulate the information in their favor in defaming the victim.

·          Whaling:  Any attack that is linked to high profile persons or those of a senior nature is termed as whaling. These are graver than other kinds of phishing, where the person in question is able to penetrate restricted frameworks.

·          Evil Twin: This type of phishing is done when the attacker uses a real public network within a public area, to quickly acquire information of those who log-on to it. These can be in wireless Internet areas like coffee shops, malls, or the airport. Any kind of information entered into the login website in order to use the Internet in these places, is immediately stolen.

Raj B Lonsane states that There is anti-phishing software available for those who want to protect valuable data, and delicate information like a system’s main framework. It is important that one know how to approach the situation, like the organization Anti-phishing Working Group who strives at keeping cyber attackers at bay from online portals. States Raj b Lonsane, it can prove to be quite an alarming way of manipulating information, and quite destructive if a person is able to break into the main frame of an organization that has sensitive data. They say that phishing is slowly turning into a thing of the past with techniques like malware and pharming now replacing the age-old ways of phishing. Nonetheless, attempts and successful endeavors have been made to keep such attacks at bay, given the rise of popular websites today that are trusted by the public.

Salami Attack

A salami attack is when small attacks add up to one major attack that can go undetected due to the nature of this type of cyber crime. It also known as salami slicing/penny shaving where the attacker uses an online database to seize the information of customers, that is bank/credit card details, deducting minuscule amounts from every account over a period of time. These amounts naturally add up to large sums of money that is unnoticeably taken from the collective accounts. Most people do not report the deduction, often letting it go because of the amount involved. This could be a fraction of a cent, so as to avoid suspicion from the unsuspecting customer states Raj B Lonsane.

The victims that take the fall for such acts are usually bank holders, and websites that store account information like PayPal. It can be quite scary to have amounts disappear in large portions at once, making it a onetime incident for the company. Raj B Lonsane states that the amount of money that is then lost cannot be replaced by the company, leading them to take on court battles without the money to replace what is lost. Therefore for an insider to do this on a regular basis, he/she deducts money slyly in small quantities without having the customer in question, take notice.

How to Avoid a Salami Attack

A company that protects personal account information of a customer has to be on the lookout for individuals who wish to put them in a compromising situation when it comes to another’s funds. Raj B Lonsane states that it is important to know how to tackle this from an angle that is highly sophisticated.

a)       Banks have to update their security so that the attacker doesn’t familiarize himself/herself with the way the framework is designed, before finally hacking into it states Raj B Lonsane.

b)      Raj B Lonsane adds that banks should advise customers on reporting any kind of money deduction that they aren’t aware that they were a part of. Whether a small or big amount, banks should encourage customers to come forward and openly tell them that this could mean that an act of fraud could very well be the scenario.

c)       Most Important according to Raj B Lonsane is that Customers should ideally not store information online when it comes to bank details, but of course they can’t help the fact that banks rely on a network that has all customers hooked onto a common platform of transactions that require a database. The safe thing to do is to make sure the bank/website is highly trusted and hasn’t been a part of a slanderous past that involved fraud in any way.

A salami attack can seem innocent at first, especially if people do not keep track of their finances when it exits their accounts. A lot of people aren’t aware of how money comes and goes, with attackers taking the advantage for such indifference on the part of customers. In the world of cyber criminals, these acts are a way at the end of it all, to seize funds as a way of going against the company for personal reasons, or for no reason at all.

Raj B Lonsane states that a common case of a salami attack is what is called the ‘collect the roundoff’ technique, where a programmer tweaks the arithmetic code sequence, where the calculation exceeds the customary two/three that is meant for financial record keeping. It is like when the currency is in dollars, the roundoff is made to the nearest penny half the time, where it can be lesser the other times. If these fractions are collected, they can then amount to quite a sum of money that financial companies will not take notice of. Another major cause found a programmer cutting off 20 to 30 cents per account two or three times a year, where it went unnoticed by account holders who didn’t pay much attention to small amount deducted.

Salami attacking is a security issue that many places have had to deal with given the malicious intent of those who break through the security that these financial institutions have on their databases. Raj B Lonsane states that Cyber crime amounts to devastating and overseen attacks that plague the world we live in. Security officials are battling it out on the Internet every day to keep the attacks under control, without breaching it on a national or worldwide scale.

Companies of a financial nature need to know how important it is to practice safety measures of keeping the public safe from such crimes says Raj b Lonsane. Salami attacks are usually done from those who work within the company – evaluating employees who have access to these accounts is crucial, especially when they have access to large sums of money and people’s personal account details.

Cyber extortion

Cyber extortion is when an organized group of people (in most cases) seizes various databases of a company, while threatening to cause havoc within its main frame if their demands aren’t met says Raj B Lonsane. They also blackmail the company about compromising information of customers in the database, unless large sums of money aren’t transferred as per their demands. Net extortion is a serious and tricky crime that attackers delve in when they have hacking knowledge of how to break into a company’s framework. The word ‘threatening’ comes into play when the attackers when they pass comments of shutting down or messing with the framework to destroy information that could lead to colossal losses, and reputation damage.

Raj B Lonsane states that it is seen in many movies where blackmail is used as a way of getting things done/delivered, where attackers use information to settle the scenario. When big companies are involved, their main frame can be compromised if the person in question knows how to hack into their complicated web of firewalls and security codes. Such cases are only done through a complicated group of individuals that have Internet access to files and codes, where it would prove to be a huge crisis were the information even more sensitive than a regular database.

Cases Involving Cyber Extortion

In the month of January, 2012, one of the programmers of WIT (Walchi Innovation Technologies), broke into the company’s security system, changing passwords and access codes that eventually led him to then shut the database, where customers/others of the company weren’t able to access the company’s information system. The programmer in question was Jerome Westrick, who demanded an amount of $300,000 for him to reveal the changed passwords and codes. The court order against him forced him to give up the information, and got him to avoid disclosing the same to a third party states Raj B Lonsane.

If the hacker hadn’t been Jerome but someone from outside of the country, far from the borders from where the actual scenario is taking place, the person would have gotten away with the crime for it doesn’t apply to him/her when not within the country’s territory. According to Raj B Lonsane, that is how net extortion works these days, where companies do not reveal to the media about such incidents for fear of losing the public’s trust over the whole episode.

If the hackers are situated in a foreign country, the possibility of it going national is probable, if the attacker has nothing to lose while you stand to lose everything says Raj B Lonsane. Money is usually involved, where programmers can at any given time sell information from the current company at a price, or demand a ransom from where they work. These acts go unpunished and unresolved if attackers were to be beyond the borders of where the company is situated, where if the attackers like Jerome could do it, anyone could from another continent.

Raj B Lonsane's advice on Steps to Ensure Security from Cyber Defamation

While many companies will up their security or install impenetrable firewalls from attackers, the fact is that anyone at any given that works for the company can turn around and make things difficult. If the situation is unyielding for the attacker then the information that he/she holds can put the victims in a tourniquet situation.

a)       It is of utmost importance according to Raj B Lonsane that programmers of a company are supposed to be strictly monitored and confronted on any kind of ground that caught them messing around with company codes/passwords/security measures. You cannot trust those you take on as a programmer since they will have access to all kinds of coding information that is of a sensitive nature.

b)      The security coding involved has to be so advanced, that not even the programmer can mess into the main frame without having to encounter problems while accessing sensitive data as per Raj B Lonsane.

c)       The security should be constantly changed and updated so as to avoid someone becoming familiar with these over a period time. Raj B Lonsane states that by constantly doing this, you allow yourself to stay secure by protecting information through various methods of security.

Internet Extortion is a cyber crime that is usually kept hushed up, where many cases only become public if customers were to encounter a problem while accessing a website, whether one that holds that bank details or personal information. Such attackers are finding ways to get a hold of a company’s database, but it is the company who has to secure itself properly in order to keep such people at bay says Raj B Lonsane.


Cyberstalking is where individuals/groups use the Internet or other forms of communication, to harass a group of people, a single person, a company, or other sorts of unsuspecting victims. Cyberstalking takes form as a threat, false claims, damaging information/equipment, stealing one’s identity (identity theft), focusing on minors for sexual motives, or using certain information to target the victim. According to Raj B Lonsane, This form of cyber crime has been known to cause an uproar among the media, when it comes to celebrities, well-known organizations, or the government. It takes form in varied ways, either by an amateur or a professional person with a command over the Internet.

Cyberstalking can be carried out any individual or group of persons, that have a kind of vendetta towards the target person/s or organization says Raj B Lonsane. Many of us have come across some form of this at some point in our lives, where we’ve succumbed to either reporting the incident, confiding in an adult, ignoring the threats, or giving in to fear as part of the threats/blackmail. Today the police and its many branches in association with the government, have ways of tracking down questionable acts performed by individuals who wish to harm another through his/her acts of cyberstalking.

Raj B Lonsane states that cyber stalking can leave people in a state of panic, cause an uproar, start up riots, fuel misunderstandings, and lead to possible killings/harm. The victim in question can range from ordinary people to celebrities, to deceitful government officials or businessmen with a tainted reputation. Some o f us may think of these acts as justifiable, but the outcome can cause havoc within a nation, town, or even on a worldwide scale.

Types of Electronic Stalking

There are many ways that one can be subjected to hostility when it comes to stalkers. These are the two ways that they can cause considerate harm if done lightly or on a serious scale.

a)     States Raj B Lonsane, Cell phones were made for every day functions – emailing, chatting, keeping in touch with family/friends/colleagues and the likes, making calls, sending SMSs, exchanging data, and so on. This piece of electronic has changed and been reproduced into a finer gadget, with many companies battling it out in the market. Whether it is a sophisticated model or not, a cell phone can do more harm than good. Many may call it a lifesaver, but others will disapprove. The reasons are because it has been the subject of many incidents, both big and small. When it comes to stalking, the concerned person/party involved in the act can use this piece of gadgetry to constantly harass those that they have the contact details of. Random calls that threaten the receiver, fearful SMSs and even lewd/photographic evidence that could bring down the victim. From those who want to bring justice within a system, to an obsessive fan or a jealous ex-lover, a cell phone has been known to be a common choice for stalkers who do not wish to conceal their identity.

b)    According to Raj B Lonsane, the Internet surpasses the cell phone when it comes to getting away with threatening material, unless of course you bring in a team of professionals to trace the person/s behind it. From emails, to personal messages sent through social networking websites, cyberstalkers have their own set of ways to reach their victim. Unless you have a fair deal of proof of whose behind it, most victims are left clueless or remain the target of cyberstalkers until the issue is resolved mutually or through other means.

Workings of a Cyberstalker

A cyberstalker can attack victims in any way possible, even when you least expect. According to Raj B Lonsane, These are the most common acts that have been identified as the workings of a cyberstalker.

a)        Cyberstalkers can enter another’s details on a website that contains perverse items like porn DVDs, sex toys, scandalous magazines, and the likes in order to have them delivered to the unsuspecting receiver. This can be done in a public place like an office, or even in one’s own home where family resides.

b)       Cyberstalkers keep track of what their victims are up to, often knowing where they are and what they’re schedules most likely contain. They could certain information to use against the victim, or they could set up fake accounts and lure them when the time is right to either exchange numbers, or worse – meet in person.

c)        Some cyberstalkers go as far as tracing one’s IP address in order to seize information of a private nature, of their victims.

d)       Cyberstalkers can sometimes post illegitimate information about victims publicly, like on social networking sites or by sending these through group emails. This can harm one’s reputation and lead to major misunderstandings if not taken into action immediately.

Cyberstalkers know how to get what they want on the Internet, and what to do with it especially if the motive is as clear as day. They do not understand the gravity of their acts, and often do it to see their victim’s downfall as opposed to doing the right thing.

Raj B. Lonsane is someone who’s seen all this happen before and is well aware of at least some signs that need looking out for, like symptoms of a disease. 

Cyber Defamation

Cyber defamation is when one uses the Internet as a source of passing offensive remarks, demeaning information, and slanderous accusations by way of tainting or targeting a victim’s reputation out of spite, or with a motive. In cases where cyber defamation is prevalent, it is said that the Korean government traces such behavior on the Internet, without the victim lodging a complaint in the first place; they are still in the process of making this a complete law. China on the other hand, is the only country that has cyber defamation as an actual implemented law.

Says, Raj B Lonsane, the reason that cyber defamation has such an impact on Korea, is because of suicides from celebrities that were the subject of such a crime, forcing them to fall into severe bouts of depression, because of the circulating comments online. We see cyber defamation in all kinds of forms worldwide, but it hasn’t instigated an uproar because the defamation has probably been dealt with between the parties involved, or it has been brought to the notice of officials if the situation reaches a state of uncontrolled hate.

One such major case that included the horrendousness of cyber defamation, took place over a span of four years, where a couple in Clarksville, Texas were victims to false comments posted on a forum site, Topix. Mark and Rhonda Lesher, the victimized couple in question, were assaulted with online comments about being sexual deviants that indulged in sexually harassing acts. According to Raj B Lonsane, they were found not guilty after years of having to put up with the scrutiny, court meetings, and unending exposure in the gruesome spotlight of the public eye that held negative feelings towards the innocent couple. They tracked down those responsible, winning a battle that resulted in millions being awarded to them for loss of reputation, and mental anxiety.

Raj B Lonsane states that such cases over the Internet can be quite damaging to one’s image, especially when it results in things like losing out on a business, being ridiculed from public places, and worst of all, losing the trust of those close to you. The cases are not only damaging, but scarring – causing people to even flee their own hometowns like Mr. and Mrs. Lesher.

Why People Resort to Cyber Defamation

While many of us would term it as having a grudge that doesn’t let up easily, others will say it is a case of psychotic proportions. Either could prove correct, since attackers with all kinds of vendetta, subject their victims to prolonged anxiety and injustice. Sometimes it may be harmless, but in most cases the attacker in question is just doing it for kicks. Organizations like the CIS, or Cyber Investigation Services involve themselves in such crimes committed over the Internet, especially when it escalates to a point that is horrifically damaging says Raj B Lonsane of CCITO.

a)       File and store away the defamatory information by keeping a log of all that you encounter online about yourself. To really keep a solid record, print out the comments and look into who is posting it, whether it is anonymous or if the person has a name. Sometimes sites will display the IP address for you, or can track it down by simply looking online for ways on how to track an IP address. If there is one particular person posting the incriminating evidence against you, track them down and follow their moves or look up their personal accounts if any, like on social networking sites, and gather  the information so that you can report it if needed.It is important that one know how to avoid and possibly stop cyber slander online, by equipping themselves with certain measures that can taken and then reported if it takes a turn for the worse.

         b)  Raj B Lonsane suggests that ignoring the attackers is advisable since provoking them in a battle of confrontation, will only fuel their desire to see you go down in flames. These attackers can create multiple accounts and have their comments come at you from various identities, but responding to these can cause more damage than good. The idea is that at some point he/she will lose interest, but referring to point one as your approach will be advisable since legal action can take its course and stop the attacker in his/her tracks.

        c)  Google yourself and see what kind of information turns up. If it is of a slanderous nature, get in touch with the site that has the content and have them remove it. Post good things about yourself to supersede the bad stuff, using ranking tricks that will push the negative content far behind search results.

According to Raj b Lonsane, Cyber defamation is quite a damaging act to involve oneself in, with many countries taking legal action if the acts are taken to the right authorities. This form of cyber crime within courts has its way of turning out well for victims, although sadly the damage has been done already in most cases.

Seriousness of IRC Crime

IRC crime is often overlooked when computer crimes are being discussed. Perhaps when faced with other crimes like hacking or phishing etc, IRC crime seems to be a little less dangerous. But, this is nothing other than a misconception that has been brought about as a result of people’s lack of information in the matter. 

Handling internet crime is very different from that of the general variety. Here, people commit the whole deed on their computers and so, are quite hard to track. It needs serious knowledge in the world of computers to prevent this kind of misdeeds. So, it is not something everyone van do. 

What is IRC Crime?

Internet relay chat us perhaps something many people are familiar with. There are a number of chat rooms dedicated to the purpose of people chatting and communicating from every part of the world. Needless to say, it is very beneficial and helpful too. People can connect with likeminded persons from all around the world. This is the reason internet chat relays are so popular too.

                                      But with the rising popularity of such chartrooms, IRC crime has also risen considerably. This includes the illegal distribution or sharing of any kind of data and files. Apparently, most of these chats appear completely normal and innocent. However, if ones digs deeper, there will often be illegal transactions and exchange of data found to take place between people. IRC crime can also include the harassments, stacking etc. that people, especially women, face online. For example, if one is being harassed or threatened on any such chat room, it can qualify to be IRC crime.

                                    The major problem that people face in these kinds of crimes is that they do not know how to seek help on the matter. Many even are unaware of the fact that threatening, harassing and stalking qualify as crimes. In case a person lodges complaint with the legal authorities on such matters, they are eligible to get help. Moreover, there are some common precautions that people should take in order to prevent being faced with IRC crime. These are the things that individuals like Raj B Lonsane would advice common people who use internet regularly, to follow.

CCITO and Raj B Lonsane:

So, what is the CCITO and who is Raj B Lonsane? The answerers to the questions are quite simple. CCITO is an organisation which was founded so that people, who are anti-computer crime and have the ability to prevent it, can get together. Cyber Crime and Internal Threat Obviation Solutions were mainly brought about due to Raj B Lonsane’s enthusiasm in the matter. He wanted that the common people should know that there are men who are there to help them. Internet criminals thrive on the fact that people are mostly powerless against their attacks. This is the scenario that Raj B Lonsane would want to reverse, through the CCITO.

                                                        This organisation tries to give protection to people who are falling prey to crimes like hacking, Denial of service, IRC crime etc. Not only this, but they also give helpful tips to people so that they may be able to avoid such unwanted and unpleasant situations in the first place. For instance, some of the things that people can do to avoid IRC crime are given below:

They should never forget that no matter how friendly the person they are chatting within sounds, he or she is no more than a stranger. Till one meets them or actually gets to know them, they will always remain a stranger. Even if they chat together more than once.

In your day to day life, would you want to give out personal and sensitive information about yourself to someone who you do not even know? Of course not, right? Then, why should the Internet Relay Chats be any different? The people there are necessarily unknown to you. So, be very very strict and careful about what information you give out and to whom. Remember that, the other person may want to use your sensitive details against you, if they are a cyber criminal. So do not take that chance.

In case you have already given out something personal or there is someone who is harassing you regularly, you must be able to approach the authorities. Organisations like the CCITO can perhaps help you out too. But, in case the person’s threat is about something that can affect you greatly, it is better to approach legal authorities at once. Do not stay put and succumb to those threats.

These are only some of the things about IRC crime that CCITO would like people to know. 

Software Piracy

Having been a victim himself, Software piracy and Raj B Lonsane are related quiet intimately with each other. Software Piracy is perhaps one of those things that people often do and sometimes even without realising that what they are doing is in fact a criminal offence. They can most definitely be punished for this act.

                                             So how is it possible that software piracy is done without people having knowledge that they are committing a serious offence? Let us find more about this by learning about Software piracy in general. By doing this we would realise, why people are so serious about trying to rid the world of this type of problems and offences.

What is Software Piracy?

Software piracy has always been a much debated issue. Many countries even reject the laws regarding this kind of offence. They feel that certain countries develop more of software than the rest. Put in other words, the developed countries of the world are a little ahead of the developing ones in case of software. Thus, when they put a copyright in the same, the developing countries feel that they are being made to pay some sort of indirect tax for using these technologies.

                                                    This is why; they sometimes feel that these copyrights are in fact quite unfair for them. Thus, in many cases, they try to reject these laws in their own countries. But, this is not all that we mean by software piracy. It is quite confusing a matter to discuss in general. Let us take an example to make it a little clearer. When we normally buy an object from the market, it is ours to use in any way we please. We may even gift it or share it with others if we wish to. This is exactly the concept of software piracy.

                                                      Say we have got one particular software for our own computer. The moment we try to copy it and give it to anyone else, it qualifies as piracy. Now most people would feel that this makes no sense. Since we have ‘bought’ the software, why shouldn’t we do what we please with it? Why should anyone impose laws on what we do with something that we have ‘bought’ already? This is the thing about software. We never really buy them, and so, they are definitely not our own possessions. What we buy is the permission to use them for ourselves only.

                                                     This means, that even when we pay for it, we are not buying the software technically. We are buying the right to use it on one particular computer. So, the moment we try to copy it and give it to someone else, it becomes software piracy. That person has not paid the required amount to buy permission for using this software. Yet, they are doing so. This is  why, many people fail to realise how software piracy is a crime and that every time they commit it, they may have to face serious legal consequences.

Fight Against Software Piracy:

Raj B Lonsane is not alone in his war against the piracy of software. There are many other people who are with him in his mission. The people in fact are very skilled and completely capable of stopping computer crime. They are trained in the field of software. However, when it comes to software piracy, the traditional theories of catching the defaulters do not hold true. This is because, it is not always that people know that they are breaking a law.
                                                      The best way to tackle software piracy is to make people aware of the real scenario. Every person does not want to break a rule by copying software. Many do it because they do not see what is wrong with it. All that these people kneed to know is why this deed is illegal and what the consequences of doing it are. This is what Raj B Lonsane and his organisation, the CCITO, they to help people understand. They are there to help the people out. These people understand how the computer crimes can best be handled.
                                                    Of course, it is sometime required to take strict measure s to find out the defaulters and stand up against cyber crimes. This holds for cases like Virus dissemination, denial of service attack etc. Here the people do certain things just so that they can harm others. In software piracy too, many people have made it into their own business to copy software illegally and sell it to other people at a price lower than the original.
                                                    Many feel this is an attractive deal and go for it too. In order to stop software piracy, Raj B Lonsane and his other co-workers wish to let people know that they are in fact committing a punishable offence. Perhaps this way, software piracy can one day be entirely done away with.

                                              They pick out organisations which are known for their security. Then, they attempt to hack the system. It’s like adding a feather to their caps. They are then able to brag to other such hackers about this supposed achievement. This is why; Raj B Lonsane and his organisation’s members are very serious about preventing hacking from becoming an issue that cannot be solved. They want to curb it now; before it becomes any more serious and grave than it already is.

Details About Raj B Lonsane and His Organisation:

Raj B Lonsane is a man who tries his best to fight against the dark world of cyber crime. Needless to say, hacking features in a very big way in this list of crimes. One man alone would hardly have a chance to win a war against something as serious and difficult as cyber crime.  This is why, Raj B Lonsane has created a team of professionals who have every skill required to help him in achieving this goals. In fact, he and every man on his team are passionate about this matter too. They have all dealt with hacking and similar other crimes before and have a very clear concept about how to best suppress them.

                                                         This is why, together they have created CCITO (Cyber Crime and Insider Threat Obviation Solutions), an organisation that is dedicated solely to the purpose of getting rid of cyber crime. These people know that the best way to approach this matter is to make the common man aware of the situation today. One single organisation cannot get rid of cyber crimes alone. It can definitely help the people whom are facing such troubles, but that is not their only goal. They want to do something that is more permanent. This can only be done by educating the common people about the situation they would face if they do not stand up to computer crimes today.

                                                         Raj B Lonsane knows that hacking is not only the problem of certain big organisations. It is something that every person should be careful about. No one should compromise their right to keeping private information private simply because there are some people there who have no ethics or mortals about hacking into others private information at all. No, people should learn to stop hacking and if possible, track the criminals down. This is what Raj B Lonsane hopes to make people believe.

Hacking as a Crime

Hacking as a Crime

Hacking is perhaps the singular most popular crime on the internet. People commit it sometimes for security purposes, sometimes for sinister motives and sometimes simply to get the fun out of it. So, hacking is not a real crime in each and every one of these cases. In fact, there are certain terms that describe the hackers and the motives behind what they do. Depending on this, there are people who hack computers or entire systems for ethical reasons and others, who do it with dishonest motives.

                                          So, how to differentiate between these different types of hacking and how is Raj B Lonsane related to it? These are the questions that have to be answered here in order for someone to understand the underlying concept of hacking and why people like Raj B Lonsane are working against it.

Types of Hacking and Why Raj B Lonsane Wants to Stop Unethical Hacking:

Like we have mentioned before, hackers can be of two typed. There are ones who hack systems for ethical reasons. Now, many would wonder what the term ethical hacking means or why this type of scenario even arises. Sometimes, particular organisations need to check if there systems are completely secure from rogue hackers. In order to do this, they hire people who are experts in this job. If these people succeed in breaking into then machine or the system, then that means that the security measures definitely need to be improved and strengthened. This is one of the essential tricks of keeping a system protected and secure.

                                            These hackers who only hack into systems for such purposes are termed as ‘White Hat ‘hackers. It is quite obvious that these are not the people who have turned hacking into a serious cyber crime. This is done by the people who are known as the ‘Black Hat’ hackers. These people have no ethical reason to hack into any system. They do so merely to cause harm or extract some private data from the system. This is the kind of hacking that Raj B Lonsane what to educate people about. This is the kind of crime that every person should be able to protect themselves against.

                                            These however are not the only people whom one has to be careful about. There are genres of hackers who are attracted to hacking simply because of the challenge that it poses. The thought of being able to crack somebody’s security and breaking into the system is too much for them to resist. Some of these people stay happy with breaking into their acquaintances’ or friends machines or systems. The rest go even higher while pursuing this goal.

                                              They pick out organisations which are known for their security. Then, they attempt to hack the system. It’s like adding a feather to their caps. They are then able to brag to other such hackers about this supposed achievement. This is why; Raj B Lonsane and his organisation’s members are very serious about preventing hacking from becoming an issue that cannot be solved. They want to curb it now; before it becomes any more serious and grave than it already is.

Details About Raj B Lonsane and His Organisation:

Raj B Lonsane is a man who tries his best to fight against the dark world of cyber crime. Needless to say, hacking features in a very big way in this list of crimes. One man alone would hardly have a chance to win a war against something as serious and difficult as cyber crime.  This is why, Raj B Lonsane has created a team of professionals who have every skill required to help him in achieving this goals. In fact, he and every man on his team are passionate about this matter too. They have all dealt with hacking and similar other crimes before and have a very clear concept about how to best suppress them.

                                                         This is why, together they have created the CCITO (Cyber Crime and Insider Threat Obviation Solutions), an organisation that is dedicated solely to the purpose of getting rid of cyber crime. These people know that the best way to approach this matter is to make the common man aware of the situation today. One single organisation cannot get rid of cyber crimes alone. It can definitely help the people whom are facing such troubles, but that is not their only goal. They want to do something that is more permanent. This can only be done by educating the common people about the situation they would face if they do not stand up to computer crimes today.

                                                         Raj B Lonsane knows that hacking is not only the problem of certain big organisations. It is something that every person should be careful about. No one should compromise their right to keeping private information private simply because there are some people there who have no ethics or mortals about hacking into others private information at all. No, people should learn to stop hacking and if possible, track the criminals down. This is what Raj B Lonsane hopes to make people believe.