Saturday 18 August 2012

Cyber Defamation

Cyber defamation is when one uses the Internet as a source of passing offensive remarks, demeaning information, and slanderous accusations by way of tainting or targeting a victim’s reputation out of spite, or with a motive. In cases where cyber defamation is prevalent, it is said that the Korean government traces such behavior on the Internet, without the victim lodging a complaint in the first place; they are still in the process of making this a complete law. China on the other hand, is the only country that has cyber defamation as an actual implemented law.

Says, Raj B Lonsane, the reason that cyber defamation has such an impact on Korea, is because of suicides from celebrities that were the subject of such a crime, forcing them to fall into severe bouts of depression, because of the circulating comments online. We see cyber defamation in all kinds of forms worldwide, but it hasn’t instigated an uproar because the defamation has probably been dealt with between the parties involved, or it has been brought to the notice of officials if the situation reaches a state of uncontrolled hate.

One such major case that included the horrendousness of cyber defamation, took place over a span of four years, where a couple in Clarksville, Texas were victims to false comments posted on a forum site, Topix. Mark and Rhonda Lesher, the victimized couple in question, were assaulted with online comments about being sexual deviants that indulged in sexually harassing acts. According to Raj B Lonsane, they were found not guilty after years of having to put up with the scrutiny, court meetings, and unending exposure in the gruesome spotlight of the public eye that held negative feelings towards the innocent couple. They tracked down those responsible, winning a battle that resulted in millions being awarded to them for loss of reputation, and mental anxiety.

Raj B Lonsane states that such cases over the Internet can be quite damaging to one’s image, especially when it results in things like losing out on a business, being ridiculed from public places, and worst of all, losing the trust of those close to you. The cases are not only damaging, but scarring – causing people to even flee their own hometowns like Mr. and Mrs. Lesher.

Why People Resort to Cyber Defamation

While many of us would term it as having a grudge that doesn’t let up easily, others will say it is a case of psychotic proportions. Either could prove correct, since attackers with all kinds of vendetta, subject their victims to prolonged anxiety and injustice. Sometimes it may be harmless, but in most cases the attacker in question is just doing it for kicks. Organizations like the CIS, or Cyber Investigation Services involve themselves in such crimes committed over the Internet, especially when it escalates to a point that is horrifically damaging says Raj B Lonsane of CCITO.

a)       File and store away the defamatory information by keeping a log of all that you encounter online about yourself. To really keep a solid record, print out the comments and look into who is posting it, whether it is anonymous or if the person has a name. Sometimes sites will display the IP address for you, or can track it down by simply looking online for ways on how to track an IP address. If there is one particular person posting the incriminating evidence against you, track them down and follow their moves or look up their personal accounts if any, like on social networking sites, and gather  the information so that you can report it if needed.It is important that one know how to avoid and possibly stop cyber slander online, by equipping themselves with certain measures that can taken and then reported if it takes a turn for the worse.

         b)  Raj B Lonsane suggests that ignoring the attackers is advisable since provoking them in a battle of confrontation, will only fuel their desire to see you go down in flames. These attackers can create multiple accounts and have their comments come at you from various identities, but responding to these can cause more damage than good. The idea is that at some point he/she will lose interest, but referring to point one as your approach will be advisable since legal action can take its course and stop the attacker in his/her tracks.

        c)  Google yourself and see what kind of information turns up. If it is of a slanderous nature, get in touch with the site that has the content and have them remove it. Post good things about yourself to supersede the bad stuff, using ranking tricks that will push the negative content far behind search results.

According to Raj b Lonsane, Cyber defamation is quite a damaging act to involve oneself in, with many countries taking legal action if the acts are taken to the right authorities. This form of cyber crime within courts has its way of turning out well for victims, although sadly the damage has been done already in most cases.